Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's that time of year again!

So guys, I am SO excited to finally get my very own blog.  Let me begin by telling you a little about myself.  I am a third year first grade teacher in good ole' eastern North Carolina.  I love it!  My husband and I have two adorable sons, Kellen who is 4 and starting K4 this year (say what!), and Jacob who is 8 and a big ole' third grader this year.  Seriously, where has the time gone? 

Our school started back last Monday, and I have been all kinds of crazy busy since then.  ......And I thought I was fully prepared! HA! I don't know if you ever truly are.  It's this time of year that I have to repeat overplayed quotes in my head (AKA "Patience is a virtue") and remind myself constantly that these kids are practically still kindergartners.  And then comes the question................Do I really have what it takes to train another set of kids?    But, slowly but surely, the answer starts to feel like yes, I think I do.  Seriously, I have an AWESOME group of kids AND parents ('cause we all know that makes a world of difference too). 

I will post some photos soon and some more info on what fun activities we have done so far (AKA what fun activities I totally blog-napped from these ridiculously awesome blogs I follow religiously.  *cough*first grade parade *cough* the inpired apple* cough*)  :)  Have a great middle of the week!!

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