So, today is the day when I can actually get a bunch of stuff done after school. And I just don't wanna. :(
My hubs and my 4-year-old (Kellen) boarded a plane for a little "daddy time" trip this morning. They are Pittsburgh-bound. They hate Pittsburgh---no offense if anyone from PA actually reads this. ;)
So, why, might you ask, are they going to Pittsburgh?
Well, this is exhibit A in my attempt to prove that my husband is a And not just football in general, though he does enjoy watching any football game. But a Cleveland Browns football freak.
So, 4-year-old has accompanied him on his very first Browns "away" game, and folks, it's gonna be a cold one. As in 30 degrees. Bless his little soul. It's a good thing I packed multiple layers. But guys, let me tell you--homeboy is stoked!
Anyway, I am a bit surprised at how nervous I got this morning as I said goodbye. How strange. I mean, they're coming back tomorrow afternoon. But for some reason, I have been worried sick all day. I even went so far as to track the flight and wait anxiously for news that they had safely landed. What's up with that? What a psycho!
So, here I am. At work. Tons to do. Just me and my Jakester. And, I think I'm gonna forget about work and spend some time with my oldest baby.
But, in the meantime--GO BROWNS! :)
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